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Top 10 List of Week 03

1. File Systems in Operating System

This website explains about File System in OS briefly and on point. Attributes of file, characteristic of a file, and how files are saved is described very well on this page. They even provide pictures to illustrate every explanation and it helps me to understand a lot.

2. 5 Minute Metadata - What is metadata?

This video explains about metadata in under 4 minutes. From that video, i get that metadata is kind of some information about a data. In file system context, metadata is some descriptive info about a file, such as who is the author of the file, when was the file made, the size of the file and etc.

3. Overview of File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS)

As a new person to Linux operating system, i find myself confused everytime i see unusual directory such as /bin, /lib, /boot and etc. After having lesson about file system this week, i found out those things are called as File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS). I learned about some FHS from this site, like what are those directory does and many more.

4. Linux mount and umount

When i try to learn about Linux File System, i found a term that called “file mounting” in linux, i searched for it, and found this page. From this page, i learned that mounting is basically associating a storage to a particular location in a directory. Meanwhile, umount command detaches the specified file system(s) from the file hierarchy.

5. File Access Methods in Operating System

Based on this page, there are three methods to access file in a operating system, first is sequential-access, and then direct-access, last is index sequential method. These 3 points are explained straigh-forwardly on this page.

6. File Allocation Methods

Contiguous Allocation, Linked Allocation, and Indexed Allocation are 3 different methods of file allocation in operating system. Each of those methods has their own advantages and disadvantages. I decided to learn about file allocation on geeksforgeeks because they provide a picture to illustrate their explanation so it is way more understandable.

7. Free Space Management in OS

Since disk space is limited, system need to reuse the space from deleted files for new files, if possible. The free space list can be implemented mainly by 4 different ways (based on this site). Each implementations has their own advantages and uses.

8. What’s a tarball?

I had no idea what tarball was when i try to do my assignment, until i found this site. This site explains what is tarball and how to unpack or create a tarball file.

9. What is the advantage of using tarball today?

After understanding what is tarball, i wondered why should i use tarball. This forum discuss about that particular questions.

10. How to Compress and Extract Files Using the tar Command on Linux

This site explains about how to compress .tar.gz file using tar command. They give the command and the explanation of each commands.